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[ITC-LMS] I canceled my enrollment through UTAS. Do I still need to unregister the course using the ITC-LMS? (for Students)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Updated: June 28, 2019
August 08, 2016

ITC-LMS will automatically register a student as an enrollee for a course which they enrolled through the UTokyo Academic Affairs System (UTAS).

Once you cancel the enrollment in the UTAS, the course will be changed to a temporary enrollment registration status.

(A "temporary enrollment registration icon" will be displayed on the course schedule)

Courses with temporary enrollment registration status will no longer be displayed on the course schedule once the course registration period has closed.

Therefore, it is not essential to unregister the course on the ITC-LMS.

(However, temporary registered courses may be displayed even after the registration period depending on the settings by the course instructor.)

Furthermore, changing the registration status on the ITC-LMS does not affect the original enrollment managed using the UTAS.

Related FAQ Automatic enrollment of students on ITC-LMS and the Academic Affairs System (UTAS)